- I.
The airplane rises from the runway. Bent, folded, and spindled into the last seat in coach class--the one that doesn’t really recline--I pull my Kindle out of the seat pocket in front of me, slide the little switch, and lose myself in Matthew Crawford’s story of his passage from policy wonk to motorcycle mechanic. The gritty world of his workshop takes shape as I read. The airplane noise fades away, the pain in my cramped knees almost disappears, my eyes cease to blink. I am Kindled. It is by no means the first time. These days, in fact, I spend a lot of my time that way.
Así comienza este maravilloso artículo que discute el "futuro" de los libros. Amigas devoradoras de libros... ¿ustedes que opinan?
Sí quieren leerlo todo, el texto completo esta aquí.
Kindle en wikipedia aquí.
PD. Finalmente me anoté en el facebook, ni siquiera tengo claro para que me va a servir a mi, la antisocial, pero acepto sugerencias.