Celia II

Technology is portrayed as a god uncritically worshipped by human beings. Are we this vulnerable? Is there no free will involved? Or is this dystopian view just the normal panic response facing the enormous power we’ve invoked?

We are worshiping technology uncritically and in a fast consumerism way. We are building a urban universe that tries to ignore nature more and more, but still, this is the only planet we’ve got and there are a lot of natural resources that our technology depends on. In the end this is a suicidal religion if we look at it this way.

This is how the future looks like… the possibilities are endless and, at last, it leaves a kind of bitter taste to me. Why? I think that mi anxiety can be resumed in 2 questions:

Is this future for everyone, or just for some of us?

And, if the sustainability concept seeks the balance between 3 spheres: economy, society and ecology, then

Will the energy and natural resources still available on this over exploited planet allow the development of these technologies for everyone without wearing out?

In the end, I ask myself if it’s there, in the inner nature of high tech to be elitist and anti-ecologist… and then I think that maybe the answers are lying there in fantasy movies like Avatar or in the inspiring promises of biomimetic design… who knows?

In this PREZI, I am trying to represent the maremagnum of ideas that came to my mind during the EDC MOOC course.

This is a construction of images taken randomly from the internet using the google search tools. Each letter of the acronym is symbolized by the images that touch my heart when I was searching.

With them, I made a Picasa collage, then edited in Corel Draw, and presented in a Prezi. I also added a video of "The pros and cons of hitchhiking" from Pink Floyd, taken from you tube.

Please feel free to explore the images using the zooming tool. Thank you. CG.

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