Celia II

Este fue el mejor comentario que leí del libro. Me ayudó a comprender un poco más las ideas de Murakami. Al final encontrarán el link al texto completo... vale la pena.

NORWEGIAN WOOD - By Haruki Murakami.

''I once had a girl / Or should I say, she once had me,'' go the opening lines of ''Norwegian Wood,'' the Beatles song whose title Haruki Murakami borrowed for his 1987 novel. It happens to be a neat summary of Murakami's basic plot: boy falls for complicated girl and is changed forever. But the song, like the book, is not so easily described. An apparently simple lyric shifts upon closer reading; an oddly haunting snatch of melody repeats in the mind. ''Norwegian Wood'' is no idle choice for a title: it creates a subliminal background, both aural and symbolic, for a masterly novel of late-60's love.

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